Archiv článků

A week of dog training in camp in Albeř

27.08.2011 21:31
At the end of August we participated on a dog traning in Albeř. It is the place, where Cory passed his basic test last year and Meggie watched all of the happening as a three months old puppy. This year few things changed.... Cory watched us from a heaven,...

Dog training with duck

11.08.2011 21:20
On Thursday arrived Magda together with her dog Mia "Eres Mia del Atrapasueños". We prepared few ducks and started with training :-) Magda´s father arrived too and he has become our big help and assistant :-) Mia and Meggie were very clever and we enjoyed our training very much. Few photos...

Cvičení se zvěří

11.08.2011 20:28
Ve čtvrtek přijela Magda s Miou "Eres Mia del Atrapasueños", připravili jsme si zvěř a šlo se cvičit :-) Magdy tatínek přijel taky a moc nám pomáhal a nahazoval zvěř. Cvičili jsme klasický marking, směry, vlečku, vodu.... bylo toho hodně a moc jsme si to užili! Mia i Meggie byly...

Dog swimming

06.08.2011 21:42
Saturday´s lovely day we spent with our kids on new public swimming area. To don´t make our dogs sad, we let them swim in the afternoon as well :-) Not at swimming pool indeed! However, Meggie was very happy to spend some time in lake. I think she was supposed to be born as a fish, but in...

Psí koupání

06.08.2011 18:38
Sobotní den jsme strávili s dětmi na krásném koupališti a aby to nebylo pesanům líto, vzali jsme je odpoledne také vykoupat. Sice ne na koupaliště, ale k rybníku, i tak byla Meggie moc nadšená :-) Asi se měla narodit jako ryba a na poslední chvíli je z ní pes :-D A pár...

International Show Augsburg Germany 23.7.2011

23.07.2011 17:38
On Saturday 23rd of July 2011 we set out to international dog show in Germany. The weather was terrible. In Czech there was a sun, but in Augsburg rained very strongly. Unfortunately, our show ring was outside the hall. We were in the ring in total count of six bitches. Meggie did not want to run...

National Show Mladá Boleslav 16.7.2011

16.07.2011 17:23
On Saturday, 16th July 2011, we set out on national show in Mladá Boleslav. I looked forward to this show very much as we did not enter any for a long time and mainly.... Lavender Misantos - Matýsek joined us and I could not wait to be there! :-) Matýsek started in his ring quickly...

Lavender Misantos on a visit

13.07.2011 16:58
On Wednesday´s afternoon arrived the most expected visit. Who was that? Tonda Míšek together with Matýsek (Lavender Misantos) :-) Tonda has brought Matýsek to our home due to the plan of presenting Matýsek in international show Mlada Boleslav togheger with our Meggie. I looked forward to...

Konečně zase na cvičáku!!!

09.07.2011 21:55
Po hoooodně dlouhé době, kdy Meggie hárala a následně jeli cvičitelé na první turnus výcvikového tábora, jsme se konečně dostali na cvičák. Když to tak počítám, necvičili jsme přes měsíc! No a bylo to znát. Nebo to bylo tím strašným vedrem? Těžko říct, každopádně to umíme lépe :-) Jak jsem již...

New member of our kennel - Rocky

02.07.2011 21:13
On Saturday July 2nd the most expected day arrived. Me and my husband set forward to Hungary to Bonett Bride kennel to bring new puppy from there. Our journey was long but worthy in view of having new little bear :-) Rocky was very relaxed on his long way to Czech and he was...
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